Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Caught in the Act!

So today, I walked in on my sister stuffing her face with some KFC.
From what I could see, she had some fried chicken (not grilled, even though they DO sell grilled), a biscuit, and some mashed potatoes (with gravy).
I just wanted to put that on here, for the record.
I hope it was worth it, sis.


I admit it...

I'm a total fat ass. I have just been eating like a disgusting pig all weekend and more. Ugh. I'm so irritated with myself.
So Friday, before the concert, we ate the Buona Beef. Granted, I got the smallest beef they have (they come in 3 sizes) but I got fries and a coke. Two big no no's. Then when we got out, we were hungry, so we stopped by Bacci's for some pizza. Granted, I only ate half a slice, but I went to bed right after. No good.
Saturday, we had Domino's. I know, I know. Granted (ha ha), I only had 2 slices, but I also had parmesan bites (5) and 3 bbq chicken wings. :(
Then Sunday I had Big Momma's pozole which was delish, but I'm sure not that healthy.
Yesterday I hate a big greasy burger and fries. They weren't even that great, which made me disappointed. If I'm going to be a fat ass, at least make it worth it, stupid.
Ugh, I'm disgusting.
My goal is to work out today. Let's see if I really do it. Stupid fat ass.


Friday, April 13, 2012

T.G.I.F. Mothafuckas!!!

Hello, EP here. Thank God it's Friday!
Now let's see...I'm sucking butt at this diet. I blame my enabling husband.
Last night we had Corner Bakery, as previously mentioned, but then we went to get some bubble tea from Chill. They're like fresh fruit smoothies. They're not packed in calories, far from that, but it's still extra calories I could've avoided by just sticking to water. Let me look up and see how many calories, actually.
All right...so for the small watermelon bubble tea I had, it's 260 calories. Which is not bad at all. So I take my previous comments back, I did awesome!! Exceeeeeeept...that I didn't do my exercises when we got home.
Here I go with the excuses, right? There really isn't one, 'cept that fact that we got home, I took a shower, and knocked the eff out. Didn't do much else. I'm still tired now.
Ohhh, and I did mess up already because I had a hot chocolate this morning. I came in to work at 8am and I was so sleepy, so I stopped by for a coffee and lo and behold, they gave me a hot chocolate. This was God's way of saying "Warm up, my child!" so I took it.
Tonight's the Mana concert, so though I'm hoping to not stuff my face beforehand, I make no promises.
And tomorrow we're going with my suegro's to Wisconsin to celebrate my suegro's bday, so I shall be stuffing my face from the depression, NOT!! ha ha ha. Actually, I may do well there, I rarely eat alot around them, and then my suegra keeps trying to give me food, but yet she thinks I'm a fat ass. Quien la entiende? Seriously. Ugh.
Anyway...so we'll see how the weekend goes. I will try to do my exercises tonight, double duty if possible, but again, I make no promises. If I rock out enough during the concert, then I will have burned calories and so it will even out. At least that's what I'm telling myself. :(
Oh, and where the hell were you yesterday sis, all calling me out. You didn't log in either, biotch!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Hump...nope, it's Thursday

Hey, EP here...sorry I hadn't logged in, sis. Thanks for calling me out though, ha ha.
So let's see...I haven't been doing as great as my sister on the diet front, and that's only because my mom temps me with delicious food.
I have NOT touched the migas she gave me, I'm trying to get my husband to eat all of that, but he's also on a no carbs kick, so they may go to waste. :( Wasting food makes me sad.
The tortas de papa she gave us have been my lunch for the past two days (Tues. & Wed.) I would have one torta with two tortillas for lunch with a piece of fruit and water. That's technically two mini tacos, but I know, still food I shouldn't have.
Tuesday was bad, as you know. Bad in a good way, I guess, cuz I sho did enjoy my burger and fries. I ate the whole burger, but didn't finish my fries, so I did slightly better than usual trips. Plus I had water, so that's always good, since I hate that stuff. I have been doing great at drinking water, at work mostly. I have 3 bottles of water, each being 24 oz, so that more than covers my recommended daily intake.

For dinner last night, my husband stopped by at the store and picked up a roasted chicken (not fried), and was shredding it when I got home. So we decided to have our healthy version of flautas. They are delish. You crisp them in the oven, instead of frying, thus eliminating grease. I did put tons of salsa on top though, as I couldn't put my usual sour cream. The salsa is home made, so it's not chock full of salt or anything like that. Just tomatillos and jalapeƱos basically. And he gave me a caramel apple. I know, the caramel is probably not great for me, but the peanuts and apple are, so I ate it. :( I'm sure it's better than red hot cheetos though. *wink, wink, sis* I say you voxer me when you're having moments of weakness like that. We do have a good supply of fruit in the house, so when it comes time for snacks, I usually just head that route.

Today for lunch I have the leftover shredded chicken with salsa, which I am going to eat without tortillas or tortilla chips. Just a good ol' fork. I also have a mango, an apple and two pears. Oh, and 2 mazapanes. So that'll be my food intake for today. We are going shopping after work, as the hubby has two baby showers at work tomorrow, so we're gonna pick up some gifts and maybe I'll go to Corner Bakery, as my favorite sandwhich from there is only 630 calories, including the chips and pickle it comes with. Gotta love turkey on wheat. Yum!

I've also been doing my exercises daily, which doesn't seem like much, but it sure does feel like a lot. My body is in PAIN. But next week, I'm going to do those exercises as stretches, and then do Zumba or something on top of it, so we'll see how that goes.

Oh, and I haven't been as cranky as I thought, so that's always good. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 3:  Today was better than yesterday since I barely had a chance to even take a lunch at work.  I had another salad with some cucumbers and lime for a snack.  I also want to be clear that my daily coffee is not up for elimination.  There is no replacement for coffee in my book!!

I stayed late at work today, stopped by CVS for some dinner and made it home @ around 6pm.  I was weak and had half a bag of flamin hots that were orgasmic!!! I then proceeded to have a long hour and a half nap, woke up at around 10ish.  I then had a small bowl of Cheerios for dinner and began playing with my computer.

I find the hardest part to do in my case is let go of the snacks.  I need to more focused or at least start working out hard core.  I will start going to the gym next week and alternate my days to do Insanity workout with some co-workers.  I see my sister did not log in yesterday as well as today I just hope she's not at home stuffing her face!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today was ridiculously hard!  I went into my office during my lunch break to find out that all of my co-workers were eating Popeyes for lunch.  The smell was unbearable and I decided to take a late lunch. 
I ended up having my salad with jello for lunch since I knew I was going to be bad for dinner. 
My sister, her husband, sisters friend and I had a Lockdown Grill dinner date scheduled for the longest, that I couldn't get out of.  However, I did not finish my entire burger or fries so I think I did pretty good.  I ended the night with some basic exercises, that I did with my sis, and a vanilla, suger-free Iceed coffee. Yummy!!!

Mission: Lose Weight

Hello...Expropacion Petronila (EP) here.
So today, I finally received the wake up call I needed, the one that will motivate me to lose weight more than anything. I read an article that gave me a new perspective on the importance of being fit.
It has nothing to do with Vegas, nothing to do with Mexico, not related to clothes not fitting, not to the upcoming weddings in the family, none of that.
I'm so dramatic, ha ha.
I read an article that states that obesity during pregnancy increases the odds of autism by over 60%.
Those are pretty scary odds.
Autism, among other disorders, is a big fear of mine when it comes to having children of my own, and it most definitely is a short-term goal of mine to have children soon. This is why this article is so scary to me.
My husband and I already have odds against us when it comes to having children, as he suffers from a neurological order and I'm fast approaching age 30. So I don't need to add anything to the mix.
I've seen children who suffer from autism and it's so sad and scary, and I really don't want anything like that for my child, so if there's something I can do on my part to lower the odds, then I shall do that.
I'm still going to dinner at Lockdown today, but I will most definitely be working out when I get home, something I wasn't originally planning on. (sorry sis). But yes, now I'm definitely on-board and after this Fatty Day we're having, I am down for working out and losing weight.
Here I go!